/Reboot Your Confidence blog n# 8 – Your Tool Kit

Reboot Your Confidence blog n# 8 – Your Tool Kit

Your toolkit to make confidence a way of life

Congratulations and thank you for joining us for this blog series!  We hope you’re making fabulous progress towards your dream career!!

Our mission has been to help you reboot your confidence and make the journey from self-doubt to self-belief.

We’ve looked at how your mindset can hold you back and offered practical steps to find work you love, and that works with the rest of your life.

Now we want to help you maintain your confidence for the long term!!  We want you to achieve your work dreams and flourish!

We know you want to be confident and bravely keep moving forward

When reality bites

We all want to make steady progress. But the reality is that it’s hard to build consistent self-belief, to make confidence a way of life.  Luckily, like physical fitness, we can develop it bit by bit.

Here are eight things you can start doing to build and maintain your belief in yourself.

You might like to pick one or two to focus on at a time or choose what’s most needed each week.

The Confidence ToolKit

  1. Notice what’s working for you! We need to learn to pay attention to the positives.  It’s so easy to be critical of what we feel we haven’t done well that we often don’t pay attention to our awesomeness!
  2. On a regular basis – quickly run your mind over the last day or so and look for examples of things you’ve done really well.
  3. Do more of what’s working – once you get into the habit of appreciating your achievements you can be on the lookout for opportunities to repeat them and repeat them………….
  4. Mentally rehearse what you need to do before you actually have to do it. Visualising the process AND the desired outcome helps us to believe things are possible and gives us a boost of confidence to carry out the steps needed.
  5. Build your support networks.  Try to surround yourself with people who will cheer you on, people who believe you can do it.  Also look for role models who will inspire you and provide new ideas.
  6. Keep your eyes on the prize – if you’re feeling overwhelmed, go back to your goals and values.  Remind yourself of WHAT you’re trying to achieve and WHY.
  7. Keep calm and carry on!  There will be weeks when it’s almost laughable how many things go a bit wrong.  Sometimes we need to flex our self-regulation muscles and just keep on going.
  8. Nurture yourself! Sleep, diet and exercise all play a role in priming us for confidence and achievement. Exercise allows us to feel a sense of mastery and achievement at what our body can do, whilst sleep and diet play a key role in our energy levels.
  9. Seek out positive emotions for a mood boost to drive positive action – look for moments of amusement, joy, love, inspiration, gratitude and serenity.

So are you ready?

Are you ready to continue your journey to do work that thrills and fulfills you? If so, we have developed a comprehensive resource to help you – -The Ultimate Guide to Do Work You Love.

This is your step-by-step roadmap to move towards LOVING your work and life.

If you’re at a crossroads with work and it’s time for a rethink, this guide is for you.

Click here to receive your FREE copy of our guide. It might just change your life! www.flourishingmothers.com.au/workyoulove

We’re in your corner,

Debra and Kate


This 8 blog series was co-written by our amazing FlexCoaches Kate Wilkie and Debra Close. You can reach out to them for more guidance and help here.

About Debra and Kate

FlexCoaches Debra Close and Kate Wilkie are specialists in Positive Psychology coaching for mums. Whether you are at home raising a family, or are balancing a career with family commitments, Debra and Kate can help you to solve challenges you struggle with and answer life’s big questions.

FlexCareers offers a free 30-minute introductory meeting with our FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you and you can find out more about their practice, Flourishing Mothers.