/How To Find And Reopen Your Blocked Chakras

How To Find And Reopen Your Blocked Chakras

Each of the seven chakras is important for its own individual reasons.

7 Chakras Image

Find And Reopen Your Blocked Chakras

When all seven chakras are open we experienced happiness and health. But just one single closed chakra can cause serious health problems, both mental and physical.

So how do we keep our chakras balanced?

One of the best ways is to know the signs of blocked chakras. Once you know how to spot a blocked chakra you can take the necessary steps to reopen it.

Let’s take a look at the symptoms of blocked chakras and how to reopen them.

The Signs Of Blocked Chakras And How To Reopen Them

Root Chakra: The root chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red and the mantra Lam.

This chakra is all about being rooted. When this chakra is open we feel grounded, connected to Earth, and rooted. This can help with self-confidence and inner-calm.

When the root chakra is blocked it can cause insecurity, fear and anxiety. Thankfully, we can reopen this chakra. To do so, work on facing your fears and letting go. Eating root vegetables and walking barefoot will also help.

Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra (Swadhisthana) is located two inches below the navel and is associated with the color white and the mantra “Vam” This chakra holds the basic needs for sexuality, self worth, creativity and intuition.

When the sacral chakra is closed it can caused lack of emotions, lack of sexual satisfaction, and feelings of guilt.
To reopen this chakra, investigate any concerns that are bothering you and take steps to fix them. Surrounding yourself with beauty is also helpful, as is meditating on the mantra “Vam”.

Solar Plexus Chakra: The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is located in the navel area and is associate with the color yellow and the mantra “Ram”. This mantra is important for personal power and ego and is responsible for anger, impulses and strength.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked it can cause insecurity, frustration, and fear of rejection. We can balance this chakra by spending more time in the open air, taking better care of ourselves and particularly of our image, and playing sports.

Heart Chakra: The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is located in the centre of the spine, close to the heart. It is associated with the color green and the mantra “Yam”. This chakra is all about love, compassion, and spirituality. When it is balanced we feel love and kindness for both other people and for ourselves. But when it is close we feel dissociated, negative about other people, and unappreciative of those who are in our lives. One of the best ways to open the heart chakra is to volunteer. This lets us help those in need, which can be a great source of compassion. Meeting new people and enjoying positive relationships will also balance this chakra.

Throat Chakra: The Throat Chakra (Vishuddi) is located in the throat and is associated with the color blue and the mantra “Ham”. This chakra is all about communication, sound, and clarity of thoughts and speech. When this chakra is closed we will be deceptive and will not speak the truth. When it is open we will communicate and think clearly and honestly.

Opening the throat chakra requires clear communication. Practice singing, talking, thinking and writing, and always aim to be honest and clear.

Third Eye Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is located between the eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo and the mantra “Om”. When the third eye chakra is open we have access to our psychic powers and have great insight into ourselves and the world around us. When it is closed we struggle to focus, have a hard time remembering, and can suffer from nightmares. Opening the third eye chakra can be done through meditation and by practicing the Shambhavi Mudra or Eyebrow Gazing Mudra. It can also help to spend time star-gazing and to meditate on nature.

Crown Chakra: The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is located above the head and is associated with the colour violet and the mantra “Ah”. This chakra is all about spirituality and enlightenment. When this chakra is open we experience pure consciousness and wisdom. When it is closed we become too attached to material possessions, and can feel meaningless and depressed. To open this chakra, try meditating on the mantras “Om” and “Ah” and begin to think of yourself as being one with the universe. Practicing Dhyana Meditation will help with this.


When we have seven open and balance chakras we will experience health and happiness and we will have a positive relationship with ourselves and the world around us. While negative events can cause chakras to close, we can reopen them by practicing meditation (particularly Chakra Meditation) and by taking the steps listed above.

About the author

Paul Harrison is a spiritual author and meditation teacher in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He has studied meditation for twenty years and has read hundreds of books, attended lecturers, and learnt via gurus. He shares his wisdom on his blog TheDailyMeditation.com. Be sure to read Paul’s guide to Chakra Dhyana meditation today so you can experience the joy of seven balanced chakras.