/The List of People You Should Consider For Your Job Reference

The List of People You Should Consider For Your Job Reference

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The List of People You Should Consider For Your Job Reference

When looking for a job, among the things you should have ready is your professional job reference. A reference gives a future employer the ability to understand your capabilities, skills and background. In most cases, a job reference letter will be requested after conducting a successful interview and just before you get hired. To some employers, it will strongly determine if you will get the job or not. In most cases, a potential employer will demand up to four or more reference letters. Therefore, ensure you have your job reference ready.

To get a good job reference, first identify the right people to write it for you. Consider your work relationship with the individual and the period you have worked together. Pick people who are likely to point out your strengths to the potential employer. Basically, pick people who can professionally attest to your work ethics. This will make you look like a potential employee.


The following are the people that you should include in your job reference:

  1. A Former Employer

A former employer will properly highlight your work ethic and skills. Ensure that your former boss is included in the list of yourjob reference. Leaving him out may raise eyebrows and cause suspicions which might negatively affect your job search. If you have to drop off your previous employer in your reference, give out the reasons as to why.

  1. Co-Workers

A fellow employee with whom you have worked closely with can write for you a professional reference. Avoid using your work friend here because they might not well articulate your work ethics and responsibilities. The right person in this category is your team mate at work.

  1. A Charity You Have Volunteered

If you have worked as a volunteer in any place, you need that for your job reference. Your potential employer will be moved to know you can work beyond the normal working schedule. Statistically, you increase your chances of getting hired for a job by 27%.

  1. Your Professor and Teacher

Getting a job reference from a professor or a teacher who taught you something in your career is great. Also consider your academic advisor, since they know your skills and abilities academically.

  1. Someone You Have Causally Worked For

This could be someone you babysat for or mowed the lawn for. A reference from the odd jobs you did will help your potential employer understand your personality and work ethics better.

Here is a list of people you should not have in your job reference:

  • Your family members
  • Your fiancé
  • Relatives
  • Your own reference
  • Other unprofessional references

You can have more relevant references, but you should be guided by the number your potential employer wants. Also, remember to follow up the people you have for your job reference to let them know your job status. Let them know they might be called upon to provide reference. Additionally, let them know if you have been hired and where possible send them a thank you card.



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